
5 Things Every Translator Should Do Before Accepting an Assignment

Today, my attention was caught by an article published on Marygrove College's blog. The article talks about 5 golden rules that we, translators, should have in mind before accepting an assignment.

It's a fact that when we start our career as freelancers - or whenever our career needs a boost - we tend to say "yes" to projects that we would normally decline if the circumstances were different. This article helps translators choose their work carefully in order to avoid possible professional disasters!

Please read the entire article here.



Μερικές γενικές σκέψεις για την ουδετερότητα, την αμεροληψία και την αντικειμενικότητα του μεταφραστή της Δήμητρας Σταφυλιά

Εξαιρετική προσσέγιση του θέματος περί ουδετερότητας, αμεροληψίας και αντικειμενικότητας του μεταφραστή/διερμηνέα από τη συνάδελφο Δήμητρα Σταφυλιά.

Εις βάθος ανάλυση της σταδιακής ανάπτυξης του κώδικα δεοντολογίας, της ρύθμισης των σχέσων του μεταφραστή/διερμηνέα με τους συναδέλφους του, αλλά και με τους εκάστοτε πελάτες του. Τελικά, ο μεταφραστής/διερμηνέας παραμένει αμέτοχος προσφέροντας τις υπηρεσίες του; Διαβάστε ολόκληρο το άρθρο εδώ.



Magic in words!

I am pretty sure we all feel like a magician from time to time. ;-)))

Source: Translators do it better

Proz.com - Community Choice Awards 2013

The ProZ.com community choice awards are hosted by ProZ.com annually to provide another means for the ProZ.com community to publicly recognize language professionals who are active, influential or otherwise outstanding in various media throughout the industry. Nominations, voting, and winners are determined entirely by the ProZ.com community. 

Some categories (especially in the interpretation-related section) were dropped for lack of nominees, and a new category was added in the translation-related section, "Most helpful/top contributor" based on nominations made in the "Other" category. Nominees who made it to the voting stage are being contacted now.

Voting is ready to start for the first ProZ.com community choice awards. Check out all nominations here.

Voting will run until October 17 and winners will be announced on October 21.

Source: Proz.com